Exclusive brands: Maybe they’re born with it … Or maybe they were just really, really clever with their brand design and styling.
I know, I know. The idea that a brand is built, not born, isn’t quite as magical as thinking that it was conjured up by the Brand Gods.
And yet it’s way more inspiring, don’t you think? The idea that anybody, anywhere, can consciously create a brand that oozes high-end sophistication? Totally empowering.
Which is why I’m here.
If you haven’t landed at Saevil Row before, firstly, welcome. It’s a pleasure to e-meetcha. I’m Rachelle and I’m the Founder and Branding guru here.
I use visual style and design to cultivate image and personality for businesses and brands just like yours.
And what I’ve learned from years and years of experience is that the little things matter.
It’s about more than just a killer offering. And a brand is more than just a logo. There are a million and one elements that impact how your brand is perceived.
Don’t worry though; today I’m going to focus on the five most important things you need to pay attention to when you’re building a high-end brand.
Let’s go, girl!
Five elements that influence brand perception
1. Your visual identity.
You knew this one was going to be first, right? #designnerd. But the truth is that appearances matter. Your dream customers will make a snap judgment on your brand (including how high-end and appealing it is) based solely on what it looks like. And they’re looking at not just your logo, but your colour palette, pattern and image choices, font and typography, illustrations and style too.
High-end solution: Cultivate a clear visual identity for your brand. If possible, hire a professional to help you create your brand style and elements. This is one part of your business where your investment really does make a difference.
2. Your copy and content.
Words connect people. How you communicate with your audience tells them who you are, what you do and why they should care. It also reveals how confident you are and whether they should see you as an expert. (Hint: They totally should. You’re awesome!)
High-end solution: Thoughtful and high-end copy needn’t be flowery or effusive. The best copy is simple but meaningful and speaks directly to your target audience, telling them that you get them. At the very least, make sure your copy is proofread and free of errors and typos. If you can, invest in professional copywriting to ensure your message is as persuasive as possible.
3. Your photography.
Just like your visual identity, your photography is a direct channel to communicating with your audience … without uttering a word. Your photography will influence how your brand is perceived, what people believe about your business and the kind of customers you attract.
High-end solution: Make sure your photos reflect the visual style and message of your business. Walk the talk and use professional photography with crisp images to show you’re serious about your business – and other people should be too! If you can, consider investing in a brand photoshoot to really cultivate a high-end feel.
4. Your consistency.
High-end brands look and feel the same no matter where and how you interact with them. And whether it’s on social media or in person, they are wholeheartedly consistent and provide a dependable customer experience.
High-end solution: Do one thing and do it well. Your social media should feel the same as your website and marketing material, and your language, visuals and content should be aligned. And if you’re finding it hard to keep up with all of the social media platforms, you have my permission to choose just one so long as you invest in it consistently. Deal?
5. Your customer service.
How you interact with your customers speaks volumes about the kind of brand you are. It also determines what kind of customers you will attract in the future and what your existing customers think, feel and say about you.
High-end solution: Pretend you’re a five-star hotel and go above and beyond to ensure every single interaction your customers have with you is positive and caring.
Focus on these five elements and I have no doubt that your brand will scream, ‘high-end’ in no time!